franco-pinay culinary nomad

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Location: Philippines, Bretagne, France

C'est moi!The crayon sketch is my work!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Bukayo (Coconut marzipan)

I want to dedicate this picture to someone by the name of Kai from the bucaio blogspot, from her blog she explains what bucaio is all about. This picture as an additional information to what i have done with my labored grated coconut.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


So this is how it looks. I have grated three pieces coconut that i have broken into two by chopping the middle of the coconut along the side with the back of a cleaver. You can keep the coconut water or throw.
I t took me about 30 minutes to finish but i am sitting confortably while wathing my favorite food shows on CUISINE TV.

My rudimentary cococnut grater. I actually brougt the blade with me from the Philippines and just FIXED it in a piece of wood on hand. I was asking someone to make me a small chair like so it can be prettier and more comfortable.